Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Networks and Work Groups

ForeverSOA Associated Team

  • Name: ForeverSOA – A rigorous approach to the evolution of service-oriented software

  • URL: http://dmod.cs.uoi.gr/ForeverSOA/index.htm

  • Related activities: §  6.3

  • Period: [2009 - 2011]

  • Participants: Joint team with University of Ioannina (UoI), Department of Computer Science, Greece.

This objective of the team is to study a principled approach for the dynamic maintenance of service-oriented software (i.e., software that is built by composing available services) on the basis of fundamental design principles and middleware that supports their adoption. The need for maintaining service-oriented software may be triggered by changes in the quality requirements of the end-users of service-oriented software (e.g., performance, availability, reliability), or by the the independent evolution of constituent services (e.g., services may be deployed or undeployed at anytime).


  • Name: ERCIM Working Group – Software EngineeRing for rEsilieNt systEms

  • URL: http://serene.uni.lu/tiki/tiki-index.php

  • Period: [Created 2004]

  • Participants: Aabo Akademi (Finland), BUTE (Hungary), CNR (Italy), CWI (The Netherlands), FNR (Luxembourg), FORTH (Greece), Fraunhofer FOKUS & IPSI (Germany), Inria (CRI Paris-Rocquencourt), LAAS-CNRS (France), National Aerospace University (Ukraine), Nokia Research (Finland), NTNU (Norway), Oak Ridge National Laboratory (USA), Polit. di Milano (Italy), Poznan University of Technology (Poland), SARIT (Switzerland), SpaRCIM (Spain), SZTAKI (Hungary), University of L'Aquila (Italy), University Mc Gill (Canada), University Mc Master (Canada), University of Florence (Italy), University of Ioannina (Greece), University of Groningen (The Netherlands), University of Newcastle (UK), University Roma Tor Vergata (Italy), University of Southern Denmark in Odense (Denmark), VTT (Finland).

SERENE considers resilient systems as open and distributed systems that can dynamically adapt in a predictable way to unexpected events. Engineering such systems is a challenging issue still not solved. Achieving this objective is a very complex task since it implies reasoning explicitly and in a combined way, on system's functional and non-functional characteristics.

SERENE advocates that resilience should be explicitly included into traditional software engineering theories and practices and should become an integral part of all steps of software development. As current software engineering practices tend to capture only normal behavior, assuming that all abnormal situations can be removed during development, new software engineering methods and tools need to be developed to support explicit handling of abnormal situations. Moreover, every phase in the software development process needs to be enriched with phase specific resilience means.


  • Name: ERCIM Working Group – Security and Trust Management

  • URL: http://www.iit.cnr.it/STM-WG/

  • Period: [Created 2005]

  • Participants: AARIT Research (Austria), ATOS Research(Spain), British Telecom, CNR (Italy), CETIC (Belgium), CWI (The Netherlands), DTU (Denmark), FORTH-ICS (Greece), FNR (Luxembourg), FNRS (Belgium), Fraunhofer SIT (Germany), HP Labs (UK), IBM Research, Ie Business School (Spain), Inria (CRI Paris-Rocquencourt & Sophia Antipolis), IUC (Ireland), L3S (Germany), Marasyk University (Czech Republic), Microsoft EMIC (Germany), NTNU (Norway), Politecnico Torino (Italy), SAP (Germany), SARIT (Switzerland), SICS (Sweden), Siemens Corporate Technology, SparCIM (Spain), SZTAKI (Hungary), TUBITAK UEKAE (Turkey), VTT (Finland), University of East London (UK), University of Luxembourg (Luxembourg), University of Milan (Italy), University of Portsmouth (UK), University of Roma Tor Vergata (Italy), University of Trento (Italy), University of Twente (The Netherlands), VCPC (Austria), VTT (Finland), W3C.

The pervasive nature of the emerging Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) expands the well known current security problems on ICT, due to the increased possibilities of exploiting existing vulnerabilities and creating new threats. On the other hand, it poses new problems in terms of possible attack scenarios, threats, menaces and damages. Moreover, the increased virtual and physical mobility of the users enhances their interaction possibilities. Thus, there is a demand for a reliable establishment of trust relationships among the users. Privacy is also a main concern in the current ambient intelligence paradigm: everywhere there are devices interacting with users and information about the users is possibly being gathered by the devices at anytime. All these problems are perceived at different levels of concern by users, technology producers, scientific and governance communities.

This ERCIM Working Group aims at focusing the research of the ERCIM institutions on a series of activities (e.g., projects and workshops) for fostering the European research and development on security, trust and privacy in ICT. These will be among the main issues of current and future research efforts for "security" in a broad sense in Europe (http://www.cordis.lu/security/ ).